What is the primary difference between health and wellness


DefinitionHealth refers to the absenceWellness encompasses a
of disease or infirmity andholistic approach to
the state of physical, mental,well-being that includes
and social well-being. It isphysical, mental,
often associated with theemotional, social, and
absence of illness.spiritual dimensions.
ScopeFocuses primarily onTakes a holistic approach
physical well-being and theand considers overall
absence of medical conditions.quality of life, personal
fulfillment, and happiness.
ApproachDisease-centric and oftenProactive and emphasizes
clinical, focusing onprevention, self-care,
diagnosing, treating, andand the pursuit of
managing medical conditions.positive lifestyle
Lifestyle EmphasisMay not always consider theEncourages individuals
interconnectedness ofto make choices and take
physical, mental, emotional,responsibility for their
and social well-being.own well-being, promoting
healthy behaviors.
Quality of LifePrimarily focuses on thePlaces a strong emphasis
absence of disease or medicalon improving the quality
conditions and may not addressof life, happiness, and
broader aspects of lifeoverall life satisfaction.
satisfaction and fulfillment.

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